REPORT: Australian 5G update: Telstra and Optus build continues, VHA entry to influence price? - Venture Insights

REPORT: Australian 5G update: Telstra and Optus build continues, VHA entry to influence price?

2019 was the year 5G launched in Australia making it one of the first countries in the world to launch 5G services. Whilst Telstra and Optus both launched in 2019, Telstra’s focus was centered on 5G mobile services whereas Optus’ 5G launch centered on 5G fixed wireless broadband services. 2020 will see further competition from the MNOs through continued rollout, VHA entry and potential pricing changes. We expect Telstra to continue its rapid 5G footprint expansion in Australia, including to the regional areas. In this report, we look at the readiness of consumers to move to 5G and the key Australian 5G developments in 2019.


Key Takeaways


Willingness to move and pay for 5G mobile/fixed wireless services

Network Slicing – Revenue Opportunities

Key 5G developments in 2019/2020




Mitigating health concerns regarding 5G radiation

Radio spectrum sharing for 5G

Current state of spectrum holdings

Next spectrum auctions

List of charts/tables

Figure 1.  Consumer willingness to move to 5G mobile

Figure 2.  Willingness to pay for a 5G enabled sports streaming plan

Figure 3.  Would you be willing to pay more for a 5G enabled mobile gaming experience?

Figure 4.  Telstra’s mobile broadband plans

Figure 5.  5G Home vs NBN broadband data plans for Optus

Figure 6.  Optus’ 5G mobile plans

Figure 7.  2018 3.6 GHz spectrum auction outcome