UBS Australasia Conference 2019: AI, Cyber Security, Digital Health and latest VC trends in Fintech - Venture Insights

UBS Australasia Conference 2019: AI, Cyber Security, Digital Health and latest VC trends in Fintech

UBS held its annual Australasia investors conference over 18th and 19th November in Sydney, with a number of interesting panels across the two days. Venture Insights moderated the Cyber Security panel and attended a number of sessions over the two days. The sessions covered a variety of topical themes that included – China: trade, tech and capital flows, Artificial Intelligence, Clean Energy policy settings, Robotics, Autonomous vehicles, Cyber threat to Australian businesses, the limitations of monetary policy, cell and gene therapy, digital healthcare, sustainability trends, millennials, fintech investment trends and how tech giants are dealing with the techlash. In this report we highlight the key takeaways from the sessions on artificial intelligence, cyber security, digital health and fintech investment trends.


UBS Australasia Conference 2019

Artificial Intelligence

Cyber threat to Australian businesses

Reimagining healthcare – progressing towards a digital future

Fintech – future trends in venture capital